ISO 29990 is an internationally recognized standard which sets the requirements for quality management for learning service providers for provision of non-formal education. It focuses on the key processes of your learning services, in pursuit of quality control. We will endeavour to create the structures for proper education and training, to help you develop a skilled workforce.
Consultancy process includes training, documentation, guidance, internal audit and more.
Suggested timeline: 3-6 months
Our consultants are ready and willing to strategise on behalf on your Singapore business. We will act as an arm of your company, and draw on our years of business knowledge, to create a plan that benefits you, your workers and your customers in every way possible.
We will even assist you to source information about government grants to help you find the one that suits you. Once again, this will be an effective cost-saving measure in the long-term.
For more enquiries, please email to