With effect from 1 August 2011, all construction worksites with contract sum of S$30 million or more are required to have their mandatory SHMS audits conducted based on the ConSASS audit checklist.
Regulation 9 of Workplace Safety and Health (Safety and Health Management System and Auditing) regulations 2009, state that it shall be the duty of the occupier of construction worksite to appoint a workplace safety and health auditor to audit the safety and health management system of the workplace at a frequency as specified below. Any worksite with a contract sum of $30 million or more need to conduct ConSASS audit at least once every 6 months.
conSASS audit will be conducted in accordance with the relevant WSH legislation and guidelines set out for each industry. The audit will evaluate the SHMS based on the WSH Act and its subsidiary legislation and ConSASS checklist.
The Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) is an audit tool which provides an independent assessment of the safety and health management system at a worksite.
ConSASS provides a profile of the development status and maturity level of each component of a worksite’s safety and health management system. This helps management to better allocate resources in order to elevate standard and improve the effectiveness in managing a worksite’s safety and health risks. As an assessment tool, ConSASS can be used for cross-comparison between worksites in relation to their effectiveness in managing workplace safety and health risks.
Should you have any questions about our services, feel free to contact us. Download and email us the completed audit application form. We will get in touch with you soon!