Multi Skills Courses

Multi Skill Courses Available Across Singapore

What Multi skill courses do we have?

Anyone who holds a work permit or S-Pass must upgrade their skill level so they are able to work in Singapore for up to 22 years. With this base in trade skills, the companies who hire these workers enjoy a reduction in the levies they must pay per worker. Their company’s productivity thus increases and the business can enjoy more efficient service.

During these courses, participants are trained on their level of skills and knowledge in all waterproofing activities. Those who pass both the theory and practical assessments gain a 2nd SEC (K) certificate which allows them to enrol in the corresponding Multi Skills Scheme.
This course prepares participants for the certification in electrical wiring installation. They will learn the proper skills and knowledge needed to pass the exam and, once they have been awarded the 2nd SEC (K) certificate, to transition in to the Multi Skill Scheme.
In the ducting installation course, participants learn correct skills and knowledge relating to air-con and ventilation installation and repair. Trainees who pass this section gain a 2nd SEC (K) certificate and are granted access to the Multi Skills Scheme.
Participants of the metal scaffold erection course are trained in erecting and dismantling metal scaffolding, following a provided drawing. At the end of the course, they are awarded a multi skills theory certificate and practical assessment award, which gives them entry to the Multi Skills Scheme.