ISO 22000 is internationally recognised as the standard for controlling food safety hazards. It specifies the requirements for a food safety management system, by mapping out how an organisation needs to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards, in order to consistently produce food products, which are safe for the end consumer. This involves getting in touch with Quality Safe’s consultants in Singapore.

Certifying to ISO 22000 demonstrates that the framework of a structured management system is incorporated into the overall management activities of the organisation. It is also evidence of the company’s commitment to food safety, throughout the supply chain, to ensure delivery of safe food products to its customers. Our consultants are able to provide timely advice and services to ensure that organisations of all sizes in Singapore get the assistance and help they need to maintain their professional standing.

Ensure high standards of food safety with ISO 22000

Well-trained in each area of business management, the consultants at Quality Safe are able to conduct a rigorous assessment of your business, to emerge with in-depth recommendations.

Why engage Quality Safe Consultants?
  • Industry leader for QEHS services
  • Impressive track record exceeding 10 years
  • Accreditations by various agencies
  • Competent consultants / professionals
Consultancy process includes training, documentation, guidance, internal audit and more.

Suggested timeline: 3-6 months
Areas of Coverage

(Placeholder for client input)

  • Business Strategy & Planning
  • Design & Provision of Learning Services
  • Documentation & Record Management
  • Financial & Risk Management
  • Human Resource Management
Benefits of ISO 22000
  • Demonstrate an organisation’s commitment to food safety
  • Ensure control, at all stages of the food supply chain, are in place to prevent food safety hazards
  • Embed and improve the internal processes needed to provide consistently safe food
  • Provide a framework for management commitment, supplier and customer communication and continuous improvement of the food safety system
  • Provide confidence to customers and other stakeholders that you have the ability to control food safety hazards and provide safe products
  • Provide a means of continual improvement that ensures the food safety management system is reviewed and updated, so that all activities related to food safety remain safe and effective

Consult Our Food Safety Consultants in Singapore

Should you wish to get in touch with our food safety consultants, please feel free to reach out to us. Our customer service team based in Singapore will be able to assist you.

Click below for our contact information.