Auditing Services

As with every highly tuned processes you have achieved, you will always need audits to make sure everything is up to date and conforming to the latest guidelines. Our team of auditors are here to guide you during any audit process. We are an SAC Accredited WSH Auditing Organization.

ConSASS AUDIT is mandatory for any worksite with a contract sum of S$30 million or more. ConSASS audit needs to be carried out at least once every 6 months.
As accredited auditors for the Ministry of Manpower, Quality Safe are committed to providing fair and accurate audits relating to the exemption of overtime work.
As official auditors of the Business Under Surveillance (BUS) programme, we assess the management methods of relevant companies to make sure that they are meeting all necessary requirements.
We provide other audit awards such as: bizSAFE Awards Audit, WSH Performance Award Audit and SHARP Award Audit
Workplace Safety and Health Management System (WSHMS) Audit As a trustworthy WSHMS audit expert, Quality Safe ensures your workplace is compliant with the Safety and Health Management System regulation in Singapore.
bizSAFE Renewal Audits | Risk Management Audit in Singapore Choose Quality Safe for bizSAFE renewal audits to renew bizSAFE level 3/bizSAFE Star/bizSAFE Partner certification. Contact us for enquiries.

Audit Information

1. Audit Application

Organization seeking audit services will be provided the Audit Application & Conditions Form. Upon filling out the form, QSC will conduct a review of the application to ensure any known differences are resolved, that QSC has the competence and ability to perform the audit activities and the site(s) of the applicant organization’s operations, time required to complete audits and any other points influencing the auditing activity are taken into account (language, safety conditions, threats to impartiality, etc.).

Upon review of the application, QSC will inform the applicant organization’s authorized representative through email, whether the application has been accepted or declined. Where the application is declined, the reasons for declining the application is documented and made clear to the client. The minimum time for conducting an audit will be determined in compliance to the requirements stipulated in below table as per SAC CT 17 (click on image for larger view).

  • For SHMS/ WSHMS audits
  • For Risk Management audits

Based on the audit time determination, a quotation will be sent to the audit applicant for endorsement. Upon acceptance of the application, an audit plan will be established and submitted to the audit applicant/ client. The audit plan will be communicated, and the dates of the audit agreed upon, in advance, with the client.

2. Conducting on-site Audit

Audit methodology will include conducting an opening meeting, reviewing previous audit findings, familiarization tour of the workplace, obtaining and verifying information (through interview of personnel, document or record review and physical inspection) and conduct of closing meeting.

Audit results and outcomes will be communicated during closing meeting to audit team.

3. Reporting and completing an Audit

An audit report will be provided within 30 days of the audit. The SAC mark will used on the first page of each audit report. 

Our AO will also issue a testimony, without the use of SAC mark, for all audits conducted for its audited clients.

4. Reference to auditing and use of marks

The audited client shall not use or permit the use of the AO’s audit report or testimony or the AO’s mark in communication media such as the Internet, brochures or advertising, or other documents.  The audited client shall not make or permit any misleading statement regarding the audit. The audited client shall not use or permit the use of an audit report or testimony or any part thereof in a misleading manner.

5. Confidentiality

  • The AO will inform the client, in advance, of the information it intends to place in the public domain. All other information, except for information that is made publicly accessible by the client, shall be considered confidential. Information about a particular audited client or individual shall not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of the audited client or individual concerned.
  • When our AO is required by law or authorized by contractual arrangements (such as with the accreditation body) to release confidential information, the client or individual concerned shall, unless prohibited by law, be notified of the information provided.
  • Information about the client from sources other than the client (e.g. complainant, regulators) shall be treated as confidential, consistent with our AO’s policy.
  • Personnel, including any committee members, contractors, personnel of external bodies or individuals acting on our AO’s behalf shall keep confidential all information obtained or created during the performance of our activities except as required by law.
  • Our processes and where applicable equipment and facilities that ensure the secure handling of confidential information.

6. Policy on impartiality

QSC is committed to ensuring impartiality in our auditing activities and shall not allow commercial, financial and other pressures to compromise impartiality.

7/8. Notice of changes

  • We will give our audited clients due notice of any changes to its requirements for auditing. We will verify that each audited client complies with the new requirements.
  • Audited client shall inform our AO, without delay, of matters that may affect the capability of the management system to continue to fulfil the requirements of the standard used for auditing. These include, for example, changes relating to:
    • the legal, commercial, organizational status or ownership
    • organisation and management (e.g. key managerial, decision-making or technical staff)
    • contact address and sites
    • scope of operations under the audited management system
    • major changes to the management system and processes

9. Complaints

  • The AO appreciates all feedback received with regards to its auditing service and gives utmost importance to all complaints received.
  • Feedback or complaints can be submitted as follows:
    • Telephone (Please contact our main line at 6261 8150)
    • Email (Please email to
    • Engagement with our sales officer
    • Filling out our Feedback Form
  • Submission, investigation and decision on complaints will not result in any discriminatory actions against the complainant.
  • Your complaints will be routed to our Head of Audit within 3 working days.
  • Request to appeal of audit decisions or outcomes will not be entertained due to the nature of audits performed.
  • Whenever possible, the requestor of the complaint will be notified of the corrections, corrective actions or decision not take actions in writing or otherwise. The decision to be communicated to the complainant is made by, or reviewed and approved by, individual(s) not previously involved in the subject of the complaint. Whenever possible, our AO will give formal notice of the end of the complaints-handling process to the complainant.
  • All complaints received are subject to requirements for confidentiality, as it relates to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint. We will determine, together with the audited client and the complainant, whether and, if so to what extent, the subject of the complaint and its resolution will be made public.

10. Witness Assessment

If the AO’s audited client does not allow SAC to witness the audit, the client may not be provided with a SAC accredited report. SAC will also inform all its accredited AOs of the client. If the client chooses to seek auditing services from another AO, SAC will inform the new AO that it wishes to witness the audit.