ISO 22301:2012 (BCM)

ISO 22301 BCM Consultants in Singapore

ISO 22301 is an internationally recognized standard which sets the requirements for business continuity management (BCM) while SS 540 is its local equivalent. It focuses on business recovery and continuity in the face of adversities. The BCM consultants of Quality Safe has been trained to provide consultancy services to enhance business productivity.

Why hire our ISO 22301 BCM consultants?

Our BCM consultants delve deep into every facet of your business to help you streamline all your processes. They help you meet every criterion on the ISO 22301 and if you have already attained this qualification, to assist you in exceeding expectations and securing your certification.
Why engage Quality Safe Consultants?
  • Industry leader for QEHS services
  • Impressive track record exceeding 10 years
  • Accreditations by various agencies
  • Competent consultants / professionals
Attaining proper ISO 22301 qualifications when you engage our BCM consultants puts your business in a position of success.
Not only will your internal processes be improved – leading you to greater cost-effectiveness, more productivity – but your employees will be happier as a result.
As well as this, you will have a more marketable brand to put before consumers.

Consultancy process includes training, documentation, guidance, internal audit and more.

Suggested timeline: 3-6 months

Areas of Coverage
  • Documentation & Record Management
  • Organizational Risk Management
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Crisis Management
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response
Benefits of ISO 22301
  • Protect Lives during Adversity
  • International Recognition
  • Recovery of Critical Business Functions
  • Effective Decision Making during Crisis
  • Reduce Revenue and Data Loss

Contact us to find out more

Government Grants are available. Please feel free to contact our BCM consultants to discuss details about grants, and to see which ones would be most appropriate for your business. There is a range of grants available and it all depends on your business and industry as to which grant you are eligible for.

For more enquiries, please email to Our friendly customer service agents are more than happy to provide detailed information on how to qualify for the ISO. If you have an outdated qualification, please contact us to find out how to upgrade, to meet new business requirements.